4 Things Smart Leaders Do To Motivate Their Workers

The key to unlocking motivation is in the hands of leaders of the pandemic.

Work must be elevated in these times of stress and pandemics. It should not just be about getting the job done.

Leaders must discover in their employees the intrinsic desire to lead that comes from the deepest part of our being.

The key to unlocking motivation is held by leaders in the pandemic. It all starts with how your employees feel.

To be a great leader, you must first understand what motivates your people. These are the ways smart leaders motivate their employees.

1. They are open to hearing what they have to share.

Leaders don’t want to hear the opinions and constructive comments of their employees. These leaders are unable to listen to their employees and operate in an environment that is not an ecosystem. True leaders listen to their employees and are open to learning from them.

2. Help employees set goals

Adam Weber, CEO of Emplify, says that one of the most common mistakes made by bosses is to assume that their employees are motivated by what they do.”

Weber suggests that employees set clear goals to discover what motivates them. Weber says, “By setting achievable goals, employees will know that their work contributes to greater success.”

The leader’s role in helping the person achieve their goal is to make sure they are achieving it. It involves breaking down the goal into manageable goals and identifying roadblocks. Leaders should regularly review the progress of the goals once the plan has been established.

3. They practice active listening

It is easy to underestimate the power and importance of listening. This increases self-esteem when people feel heard. It validates an individual when they show that they care about their needs and that they truly understand their point of view.

Active listening does not imply that you support or agree with the position of another leader. Jay Perry, CEO and founder of Ally Business Coaching, says that active listening simply means you’ve listened and understood.

Although it sounds simple, it’s actually quite complex. It is, however, extremely difficult to put into practice due to many factors. It is important to practice it as much as possible so that you can have an impact on those around you.

4. A clear plan will guide people

Many employees look to their leaders when the future is uncertain. Even if they don’t know all the answers, it’s not uncommon for them to seek guidance and reassurance from their leaders. Leaders should be able to confidently express their doubts and uncertainty while still maintaining authority.

Ask simple questions to address their concerns and assess where they are at the moment. This will give them confidence that you are looking out for their best interests and that you know the direction of the ship. Take this example:

  • What are you looking for an immediate answer to?
  • What are my priorities to provide better support?
  • What do you know about the direction that we are heading?
  • Are you unable to achieve your goals now?

You will be more likely to help them calm down and overcome their obstacles if you are able to discover them quickly.

Keep in touch with your employees, even if there is no news. “No news is good news,” they say. Make sure you follow-up on all issues so that your employees know that you are taking action.

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