4 Signs That You Are A True Leader

A new type of leader is emerging in the face of the covid-19 pandemic.

Executives and business leaders are often viewed as stoic people who try to keep their emotions under control and only focus on the task at hand. A new type of leader is emerging that values emotional vulnerability and opensness.

Are you curious to discover if you are one of the leaders emerging from the pandemic? Continue reading to learn more.

1. They understand that being emotional is part of being human

Jason Tan, CEO and founder of Sift fraud prevention company, says that emotional vulnerability is one the most important qualities you could have as a leader. Tan was raised to keep his emotions out of the reach of others. This often led him to doubt his abilities as a leader. He says that hiding emotions for eight hours per day is a big part of our lives. This leads to emotional disconnection in all areas of life and undermines self-confidence.

Scott Galit is the CEO of Payoneer payments company. He says, “I strongly believe that we shouldn’t seek perfection in our employees but instead provide an environment where they can be their best.” Trust can be built by empowering employees to be their authentic selves.

Sometimes, this can mean being open about your flaws or being flexible with employees in trouble.

2. They set an example and invite others to follow their lead

Leading with transparency is more important now that many workers work from home. Tan says, “It is important to set an example for your team and encourage them to examine and prioritize their emotions as they seek to find a balance in their work and personal lives.”

Martha Angle, OneStream’s vice president for global talent acquisition diversity and inclusion, shares a similar view. He says, “A society that has always been focused on growth and the bottom line is now prioritizing physical and mental health over career goals.” Leaders must adopt this mindset and demonstrate and communicate effectively that these crises affect them personally and not only professionally.

Leaders who prioritize emotional vulnerability show that they recognize the ambiguity between work and personal life and have modified their leadership style accordingly.

3. They use emotional vulnerability to connect with others

Leaders can connect with their employees by being open to emotion, particularly in times of uncertainty. Angle states that people need one another right now and that it is the responsibility for each leader to be available.

Steven Auerbach is the CEO of Alegeus, which provides healthcare technology. “Times such as these are a testament to our capabilities. He says that leaders must be compassionate and invest in their people to make an impact. Talk to your team and find out what they need. It is important to be open to thinking beyond traditional support.

You can build a bond with your employees by using emotion as a leadership style. This will result in a happier, more transparent team.

4. They embrace their struggles

Kevin Hrusovsky is the CEO of Quanterix, a biomarker and disease detection company. He says that leaders don’t always know all the answers. He says, “It can be unsettling, but it shouldn’t stop you asking questions.” Accepting our emotional vulnerability allows us to recognize areas that need improvement and surround ourselves with people who can help us reach it. We also have the ability to train our employees to become the best versions of ourselves.

Hrusovsky knows how to use discomfort to his advantage. He says, “In biotechnology we depend on science, hard data, and are well aware that there are dangers to sticking our heads in sand.” “We don’t fear the unknowable or unsatisfying. We see it as an opportunity for improvement, innovation, and restart.

Emotional vulnerability can make a difference in the lives of employees. Tan says that fostering and practicing emotional vulnerability can lead to a better culture in the workplace, open communication, and a company that people love to work for.

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