Sometimes it can seem like we have hit a brick wall in our ability to innovate and create during difficult times. Numerous studies have shown that chronic stress can affect our brain’s ability to solve problems and improve our performance.
The cost of this peace of mind is much higher than just the comfort. Companies with creative leaders have outperformed their peers in many categories and achieved above-average revenue growth. Your ability to use your creativity can help increase sales and spark entrepreneurship.
Today’s economy is more dependent on the ability to find innovative solutions. It’s possible that you are offering services or products that don’t exist a month ago or that you are struggling to balance your budget. You may have to complete a project that you’ve been working on remotely and with fewer resources. It is important to deliver new, innovative solutions quickly.
Common obstacles to solving creative problems are that we focus too much on quality. This can lead to a lack of creativity and ineffective brainstorming.
Free writing is a way to completely unplug your thoughts. It was first defined by Peter Elbow in 1973, but has been used by great writers for centuries. Writing free of charge forces you to write constantly, which can connect to your stream and overcome your tendency to filter and censor ideas.
Friendly competitions or contests can be a great way to increase productivity if you are able to respond well.
What speed are you able complete a task from your to-do lists? To measure your performance, you might consider using a timer and/or time-tracking software. Toggl offers free online weather monitoring and reporting through its website. It also has mobile and desktop apps.
There are many ways to divide your work time in order to maximize productivity. Some employers prefer the Pomodoro technique (25-minute work-five minute break), while others don’t like it at all.
Brian Tracy, a personal development expert, recommends Brainstorming. In this exercise you will write down a problem then brainstorm 20 solutions.
Tracy says that the first five solutions are easy, while the next five are more difficult and the final ten are very difficult. You can develop your creativity and confidence when faced with difficult business challenges. You will find that solving problems becomes easier over time.
Why should you be bound by words? Sketchnoting is a method of taking notes or storing information that includes shapes, arrows and containers.
Verbal function and cognition are mainly located in the left brain, while visual function can be processed in the right.
Drawing new ideas through the use of conceptual shapes and structures can be a great way to get creative.
According to the US Pew Research Center, 94% of jobs that require social and analytical skills increased between 1980 and 2015. Long hours spent in front a screen can lead to anxiety and stress, which can adversely affect concentration.
Include something practical in your day. You can rebalance your brain by doing something practical, even if it’s a tedious chore such as organizing your closet or cleaning out your living spaces.
It can be difficult to adjust to working remotely if you don’t know how. These strategies will help you stay alert, and give you a flexible and focused energy that will allow for your work to be done in uncertain times.